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Corte tradicional y envasado de lomo Servicio de corte tradicional de lomo ibérico y posterior envasado al vacío. Solicite este servicio al adquirir su pieza de Lomo Ibérico. En GourmetdeIbericos estamos encantados de poder hacerle más fácil el almacenaje y consumo de su lomo. Se lo cortamos en el momento de hacer su pedido.
Cebo Iberian Cured Presa from Extremadura BERÍDICO (350 g approx). Finest piece near of the head of the loin obtained from Iberian pigs from Extremadura and north of Andalusia. Piece of exceptional quality and taste. A gourmet product!!
Acorn-fed 50% Iberian Cured Presa from Extremadura BERÍDICO (350 g approx) Finest piece near of the head of the loin obtained from Iberian pigs from Meadow lands in Extremadura and north of Andalusia. Piece of exceptional quality and taste. A gourmet product!!
Cebo Iberian Loin from Extremadura BERÍDICO It has been obtained from Iberian pigs from Meadow lands in Extremadura and north of Andalusia.
Acorn-fed 50% Iberian Loin from Extremadura BERÍDICO It has been obtained from acorn-fed iberian pigs from Meadow lands in Extremadura and north of Andalusia.
Set of 1/2 Iberian 50% Cebo loin , 1/2 Extra Quality Iberian Chorizo (cular), 1/2 Extra Quality Iberian Salchichón (cular) from Extremadura BERIDICO Origin: Extremadura and north of Andalusia. A wide variety on your table!!
Acorn-fed Iberian 100% Loin from Extremadura BERÍDICO (1,0 Kg approx)It has been obtained from acorn-fed iberian pigs from Meadow lands in Extremadura and north of Andalusia.Entire unit.