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Cutting knife and vacuum packed Iberian shoulder Service cutting knife iberiam shoulder (paleta) and packed them. Request this service when you purchase your piece of Iberian shoulder. In GourmetdeIbericos we are pleased to give storage and consumption of Iberian ham and shoulder more easier. We cut it with a knife at the time of ordering.
Cutting knife and vacuum packed Iberian ham Service cutting knife iberiam ham and packed them. Request this service when you purchase your piece of Iberian ham. In GourmetdeIbericos we are pleased to give storage and consumption of Iberian ham more easier. We cut it with a knife at the time of ordering.
Acorn-fed 100% Iberian Shoulder Dehesa Extremadura Denomination of Origin BERÍDICO. Shoulder obtained from 100% Iberian pigs reared in freedom, which have been exclusively fed with acorns and natural plants from holm-oak woods and meadow lands (dehesas) in Extremadura during the acorn period (Montanera). A PATA NEGRA gourmet!!
Acorn-fed 100% Iberian Ham Dehesa Extremadura Denomination of Origin BERÍDICO. Ham obtained from Acorn-fed 100% Iberian pigs reared in freedom, which have been exclusively fed with acorns and natural plants from holm-oak woods and meadow lands (dehesas) in Extremadura during the acorn period (Montanera). A PATA NEGRA gourmet!!